Check out O4AD's latest update for February 26, 2024 HERE.
Follow this link to read out latest Legislative Update!
O4AD, the Oregon Association of Area Agencies on Aging & Disabilities, is pleased to announce the creation of a new position and opportunity with this statewide Association. O4AD is recruiting for the position of Executive Director. We are seeking to identify a dynamic, innovative, and creative leader who will continue to build on the trusted reputation of the organization. The Executive Director will have the expertise to lead the agency in developing new partnerships and programs, implement strategies to meet projected goals, and continue to promote O4AD as one of the leading voices in advocating for older adults and people with disabilities in Oregon. You may access the job description HERE.
The ideal candidate will excel in collaboration and will work with local, state, and national stakeholder groups, with a specific focus on our Association members. Qualified applicants should submit their resume, cover letter, and responses to the following questions to O4AD Chair, Randi Moore [email protected] by August 21,2020 to be considered for the first round of screening.
Ready, Set.... GO! The Session Opens
On Monday, February 3, the Legislative Session convened. While the 'short session' was originally conceived to handle budget adjustments and policy fixes, it has evolved into a full fledged session wrapped up in 35 days. Committees have begun their work at warp speed with the first deadlines for work session posting on Friday. On Monday, HB 4076 was heard in House Business & Labor. This bill would establish a Task Force on Age Discrimination to begin looking at this issue in the workplace. AARP, along with several other groups, have formed a coalition to work on this issue. O4AD is pleased to support this bill. As the session moves ahead, O4AD is here to help you follow along. Keep reading for information on the session, following legislation, and our Advocacy Pre-Session Update. As always, please email us with any questions - [email protected]. Thank you! O4AD hosted two pre-session advocacy updates in advance of the 2020 session. THANK YOU to everyone who participated, even with some technical difficulties during the second session. All information from these updates are posted on the O4AD website. Dates for the 2020 Session Monday, February 3 - the 2020 Session begins. During the February Session - floor sessions will beheld daily between 10 am - 12 pm. Convening times do vary so it is always wise to check the schedule online. Friday February 7 - Deadline for bills to be posted for work session in their initial committee. This is the first deadline a bill draft must meet in order to continue to move through the 2020 process. Thursday February 13 - Bills must have their first work session and be voted out of committee by this date. Thursday February 20 - Deadline for bills to be posted for work session in the second chamber. Tuesday February 23 - Bills must have their second chamber work session completed by this date. Sunday March 8 - Statuatory Sine Die/End of Session *Deadlines do not apply to measures in House Rule, House Revenue, Senate Rules, Senate Finance & Revenue Joints Committee on Ways & Means, Joint Subcommittees on Ways & Means and other joint committees. Bills that begin or are referred to these committees by the appropriate deadline remain active through the end of session. For more information on the session ~ The Oregon Legislative Information System (OLIS) is a great resource for information related to the session. The 2020 Session information is now posted on OLIS and you can access this HERE. You can learn more about Legislative Committees HERE. You can find current membership of Legislative Committees HERE. You can access the most updated Committee Agendas HERE. *Please note, bills can be added or removed to hearing schedules at any time. Please consult the latest agenda/schedule for the bill (available via the bill's link above) to learn the latest information. You can access O4AD's bill tracking report, latest bill calendar and the Committee Schedule via our website HERE. We have updated this as of February 4! Bills of Interest this week SB 1532 - Establishes Homeownership Repair and Rehabilitation Pilot Program. Senate Housing & Development. 2/4/20. 8 am SB 1551 - Requires the Oregon Health Authority to provide biannual reports to committees on issues related to financial requirements and financial reporting of CCOs. Senate Health Care. 2/4/20. 1 pm HB 4002 - Requires Housing and Community Services to study long term rent assistance. House Human Services. 2/5/20. 3 pm HB 4029 - Prohibits nonprofit hospitals from requiring patient to apply for medical assistance before screening for or providing financial assistance. House Health Care. 2/6/20. 3 pm Check out our entire bill tracking report HERE. Advocacy Opportunities We look forward to hearing your voice as we work towards securing supports and services for older adults and people with disabilities. There are many ways to engage and O4AD is working to help you stay updated on the process and how you can help impact the work here in Salem at the Capitol:
+16699006833,,275218897# US (San Jose) +19292056099,,275218897# US (New York) Or online: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 275 218 897 The Oregon Legislative process is a process that allows for citizen involvement. Get involved and make your voice heard! For more information or with questions, please contact O4AD at: [email protected] or 503.463.8692 O4AD advocates for the independence, dignity, choice and safety of Oregon’s seniors and people with disabilities. |
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O4AD 2015